Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

Steps To A Successful Amusement Park Visit

                Going to an amusement park might seem simple to some people, but to others, it can be stressful and expensive. I am here to provide step by step instructions to how to prepare for your trip, how to get the most out of your day, and money saving tips. So let’s begin!

  1. Find an amusement park that has what you’re looking for. Whether that is roller coasters, water parks, shows, etc. You cannot plan your trip until you figure out which amusement park you want to attend. Then pick a date. I recommend a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, since those are the least busy days out of the weekend. Obviously the weekends are going to be the busiest.
  2. Once you have figured out where you are going, you next need to find out who you are going with. Picking your group can make or break your trip. If people in the group don’t get along then you’re going to have a bad time. Also, take into account that some people do not like roller coasters and/or heights. Find out what rides people are willing to ride and don’t wait to find this out once you get to the park.
  3. Transportation will need to be figured out. If you are close, then drive. If it is far then fly or take a train. Car is usually the cheapest option if you are tight on money. Also take into account that you will probably need to pay for parking at the park so incorporate that into your budget.
  4. Next you may need to book some kind of lodging. If you are not spending the night before or after your visit then skip this step. If you’re booking a hotel, make sure to check out third party sites such as Priceline, Booking, and Expedia. They offer great hotel discounts that will help you save some big money. If you are at a park with hotels owned by the amusement park, you should consider staying there. Those hotels offer a fun and exciting atmosphere revolving around their amusement park.  You can also sometimes get discounted tickets and meals from staying at their hotels. A general hotel tip is to always check TripAdvisor when booking a hotel. Sometimes hotels websites can be misleading and you don’t want to stay anywhere with bed bugs or somewhere where your life could be in jeopardy.
  5. Now it brings us to the ticket prices. I STRGONLY recommend buying your tickets in advance and online. The most expensive place you can buy your tickets is at the amusement park gate. Be smart, shop online. Parks usually give online discounts when ordering your tickets. You can also find lots of discount codes online from sites such as Also, stores in the amusement parks region can also offer discounted tickets and/or coupons. Just do your research and see what the best deal is. As mentioned before, staying at the amusement parks hotel can help you receive discounted tickets.
  6. Now that you have all your pre-arrival planning complete, it is time to pack. Check the weather to see what to expect when you’re visiting the park.  If it is hot bring a change of clothes because by the end of the day you will probably want to ride the log ride. Additionally, wear clothes with pockets to put your belongings in so they do not fall out when you are riding the rides. Most parks have bins to put your stuff in while riding the ride but you risk your belongings being stolen and amusement parks do not accept liability for it. Also, please do not wear flip flops when attending an amusement park. You will be doing lots of walking and they can also fall off during the rides and then you are shoeless for the rest of the day.
  7. Now it’s time to head to park for your big vacation! Know the park hours ahead of time so you know when to arrive to the park. I recommend arriving to the park an hour early so you can run into the park and be first in line for your favorite ride. However, some parks such as Cedar Point, offer early admission to its resort guests. Check this out and maybe this is something that would benefit you. If not, get to the park early and RUN to your first ride. I recommend going to the ride that has the longest line throughout the day so you can get it out of the way first and skip the wait later in the day.
  8. Throughout the day, make sure to stay hydrated and don’t eat too much (especially if you’re riding rides that go upside down). If you are a coaster enthusiast like me, I don’t like to take the time to eat a meal. I want to get as much rides in as possible. With this being said, parks offer line skip passes to help you get more rides in throughout the day. Note though these can be expensive, but well worth it. If you’re fine with waiting in line then definitely save your money.
  9. A little trick that a lot of people don’t know is that a lot of amusement parks have a last call ride program. For example, if your park closes at 10:00pm, anybody who got in line at 9:59pm and before will get to wait in line and finish until everyone makes it through the line. So if you are really serious about riding rides, then definitely try this trick. Save a long line to hop in at the last minute since you’re not losing valuable riding time due to the park being closed.
  10. Have a safe trip home, whichever form of transportation you chose.
  11. Post all your pictures online to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. to make all your friends jealous of your awesome trip!

In conclusion, proper planning is needed for a successful vacation to an amusement park. By doing research you can maximize value and save money all at once.  To summarize my top three tips:

  1. Buy your tickets online.
  2. Arrive early to the park and leave the park late.
  3. Drive to the park to save money on transportation.

I hope you enjoyed these step-by-step instructions on how you can make your amusement park vacation a success. Now go research your next trip!

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